Lotus Technologies Apps

Watch Yo Step! 0.0.2
Click the black rectangles and avoid thewhiteones.Miss a black rectangle and your out!Have your friends download it and see who's the best!
Pocket Chat 0.1.0
Chat with other Pokemon Go players inyourarea!Sign in to our app and have access to your local PokemonGocommunity.\Please share the app with your friends if you notice therearen'tmany people on it in your area !!! :)Tags:Chat for Pokemon GOChat app for Pokemon goPokemon Go Chat
HooD-The Neighborhood Chat App 0.4.2
Hood is a location based public chat app thatturns your neighborhoodinto a buzzing center of communication. Talk to people in yourneighborhoodabout anything. Communicate issues. Use HooD to better acquaintyourselfwith your surroundings!Please share HooD with your friends if you feel there aren't manypeopleusing it in your particular neighborhood.Tags: public chat,location based chat,Meet new people
Chuck Norris Facts 1.0.0
This app allows you to learn amazingfactsabout the strongest, toughest man ever tobreathe air. Click one button to learn a fact and clickthe"Send/Share" button to share thatfact.tags :Jokes about Chuck NorrisChuck Norris Facts App
HOOD - Alien Neighborhood Chat 6
HOOD is a neighborhood chat that turns the neighborhoodyou'restanding in into a chatroom. If you walk into a newneighborhood,you're in a new chatroom! Connect with the small worldaround youand join groups that peak your interests!